An Alle Alert!

For writers, parents, and former children.

Publishes twice weekly - crisp and lively!

Each week, I post:

  • one writing tip;

  • one publishing/promotions tip; and

  • the occasional think-piece or shameless self-promotion disguised as a service piece or artistic referral. HA!

I’m a multi-prize-winning author, writing teacher and speaker who shares the joy and creativity in trauma recovery.

My debut novel: As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back, received ten prizes/honors, including Amazon Kindle #1 in “Literary” & “Coming of Age.”

SO THAT’s what I write about.


“With a realistic redemption arc, As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back is a novel in which a survivor of abuse achieves a gritty, tender coming-of-age and reinvents herself.”  —Karen Ribgy, The Foreword.

“A rare novel that shows how easily childhood trauma can be internalized and normalized, distorting our coming-of-age. Hall takes us by the hand and walks us to a better, more hopeful place. An outstanding debut.” —Jamie Ford, New York Times bestselling author of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet.

Subscribe to An Alle Alert!

Twice-weekly non-ramblings for writers, parents, and former children.


Author, writing teacher, speaker who shares the joy and creativity in trauma recovery. Novel: As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back received ten prizes/honors, including Amazon Kindle #1 in “Literary” & “Coming of Age.”